In the world of government contracting, teaming agreements are becoming more and more common. These agreements are used to define the roles and responsibilities of multiple companies when working together on a government contract. In this article, we will provide an example government contract teaming agreement and explain its key components.

Before diving into the example agreement, it is important to understand why teaming agreements are necessary. Government contracts can be complex and require expertise in multiple areas. Often, no single company possesses all the necessary skills or resources to complete a contract alone. Therefore, multiple companies may team up to bid on a contract. A teaming agreement outlines the relationship between these companies and details how they will work together to successfully complete the project.

Key Components of a Teaming Agreement

1. Scope of Work: The scope of work outlines the tasks that need to be completed in order to fulfill the contract. It is important for all companies involved in the project to have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.

2. Roles and Responsibilities: In a teaming agreement, each company must define their roles and responsibilities. This ensures that there is no confusion about who is responsible for what task. Additionally, it outlines the accountability for each company.

3. Intellectual Property Rights: The teaming agreement should detail who owns any intellectual property that is created during the project. This is important as it ensures that each company is compensated for their work.

4. Payment Terms: The teaming agreement should include the payment terms for each company. This includes the payment structure and the timeline for payment.

5. Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute between the companies, the teaming agreement should outline a process for resolving the dispute. Typically, this involves mediation or arbitration.

Example Government Contract Teaming Agreement

Below is an example government contract teaming agreement:

Scope of Work: The scope of work for this government contract is the development of a new website for the Department of Defense. The website must be completed within 12 months.

Roles and Responsibilities: Company A will be responsible for the design and development of the website, while Company B will be responsible for the website`s content and search engine optimization. Company C will be responsible for the website`s security.

Intellectual Property Rights: Company A will own the intellectual property of the website design, while Company B will own the intellectual property for the website`s content. Company C will own the intellectual property for the website`s security.

Payment Terms: Company A will be paid $500,000 for their work on the website design. Company B will be paid $250,000 for their work on the website`s content and search engine optimization. Company C will be paid $100,000 for their work on the website`s security. Payment will be made in three installments: 30% at project initiation, 50% at project midpoint, and 20% upon project completion.

Dispute Resolution: Any disputes between the companies will be resolved through mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, the dispute will be resolved through arbitration.


A government contract teaming agreement is a critical document that outlines the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of multiple companies working together on a government contract. This agreement is necessary to ensure that all companies involved in the project are clear on what is expected of them. The key components of a teaming agreement include the scope of work, roles and responsibilities, intellectual property rights, payment terms, and dispute resolution. By providing an example contract and explaining its key components, we hope to help companies understand the importance of teaming agreements in government contracting.